Personal Branding for
Real Estate Agents

Services designed exclusively for real estate agents at international brands and boutique agencies.


Only the Services You Need. Just the Elements You Choose.

Peak’s 6-month contracts are customized to the services and elements that will have the greatest impact on your personal brand, network outreach, brand awareness, and your bottom line.

Quick question: What if there were an easier way?

It probably took you about one day at your very first brokerage to realize that successful real estate involves a lot more than real estate. It goes far beyond people skills, great negotiation, and networking, extending into branding, marketing, social media, and a lot more.

 If you’ve been doggy paddling to survive (let alone thrive) that “a lot more,” then here’s your life preserver 🛟. Because there IS an easier way. 

 An easier way to set yourself apart from the competition. To build a personable and share-worthy brand. To spread the word. To nurture your network. To streamline everything – or, at least, all the parts you don’t love as much as your true passion: real estate. Because you should love what you do and only do what you love. We’ll handle the rest.

Here’s How We Can Help:

Brand Coaching

Can you identify your business goals, perform competitive research, and curate the perfect personal brand strategy for your real estate business?

Real Estate Agent Branding

Do you have a recognizable personal brand with an unmatched regional and online presence, and impressive storytelling, photography, video, and graphic design?

Brand Launch or Relaunch

You’ve created a powerful brand, but can you craft the essential elements necessary to make a resounding splash and create a lasting impression?

Regional & Online Market Dominance

Are you the go-to real estate professional for your region and who clients find – and follow – online?

Transformative Marketing & Social Media

Do you have the kind of custom-created educational, shareable, and personality-infused content strategy that people want to save, follow, and share?

If you can’t answer YES to all of the above…
then don’t worry! We can get you there.

Realtor Branding + Social Media Bundle

Brand Discovery + Personal Brand Development + Personal Brand Launch + Social Media Management

In Just Six Months…

Let’s get you from NOT YET to YES, one month at a time.

Package Includes:

Coaching Bundle

Personal Brand Consultation +Competitive Deep Dive + Business Plan + Comprehensive Realtor Toolbox

Personal Brand Development

Personal Brand Visual Identity + Brand Narrative + Brand Book + Brand Assets

Marketing Revolution

Social Media Marketing Kit + Content Marketing Guide + Content Calendar + Custom Hashtag Strategy

Brand Launch + Social Media Management

Social Media Strategy & Management + Planned Content + Custom Social Visuals + Reel Scripts & Videos + Insights Monitoring

Package Add-Ons

Videography & Photography + Personal Brand Website + Advertising + Brand Management + Monthly Blog Posts + Email Marketing & Newsletters + SEO Strategy + Property Listing Copy + Brand Assets + More!

REVOLUTIONIZE. It’s a big word and a bigger promise.

If you can say “YES! I’m ready!” – ready to create an unmistakable agent brand and connect personally with your market – then we’re ready to help you revolutionize your realtor personal brand, level up your social media, and make you the go-to agent for your region and online. Make today Day 1 of Month 1.