Build Your Brokerage’s Photo & Video Strategy

real estate broker personal branding photoshoot

From Zero to Real Estate Hero

Grab our comprehensive photo & video planning guide and learn how to up your brokerage's digital marketing game.

Transform Your Brokerage's Photo & Video Marketing

You’re a successful broker. You and your team manage a strong portfolio of properties. And you’re well familiar with the glossy world of polished photography and videography.

You’re also well aware that it’s time to up your game.

So we created the ultimate guide to planning your brokerage’s photo & video. Let’s make this process easier. Let’s simplify your to-do list and, step by step, take this oh-so-important item off your plate. And let’s get started!


How to Tell Your Brand Story

Photoshoots are a result of and a complement to your branding. They’re storytelling and are rooted in an emotional connection with your audience. So, let’s start right here, with the seven essential elements to branding. Before you take a single photo.

Strategize Better Media

All brokers do photoshoots. Great brokers strategize photoshoots. You have a goal, a message, and a story you hope to tell through your photos. Strategy gets you from ideation to realization.

The Essential Types of Photo & Video

This is THE list! Here’s how to leverage your brand, your property portfolio, your agent strengths, and other aspects of your business to build a deep media library that sells your services.

Quarterly Photoshoot Guidelines

Once you get into the swing of regular photoshoots, you’ll need this checklist on what photo and video assets you’ll want to update every quarter.

How to Prep Your Real Estate Agents

Serious agents building their own personal brands will conduct their own photoshoots. And, while they’ll mostly fly solo, they are also a representation of your brokerage and your business brand. Here’s how to prep them.

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