Brand Audit

For Real Estate Brokerages – take advantage of our limited time offer!

Brand Audit

For just a fraction of our regular cost.

Don't miss out on this exclusive offer for brokers and their teams, get your brand audit for $249 – that’s over 50% off! Time is limited!

If your brokerage is ready to take the next step, we’d like to invite you to schedule a Brand Audit

We currently charge $600 for this in-depth brand X-ray. For a limited time and exclusively for brokers and their teams, we’re offering our brand audit for $249 – that’s over 50% off an already excellent value.

When it comes to your brand, before you know where you’re going, it’s important to know where you already are. 

Whether you’re seeking clarity and strategic direction or need greater consistency and a foundation for moving forward, a brand audit is the integral first step. 

Here's what we'll help you assess:

Brand Identity

Is your branding cohesive across your website, marketing, and all social platforms?

Brand Design

Do your visuals (website design, icon sets, fonts, color palettes, etc.) accurately represent your brand – and are they cohesive across platforms?

Brand Narrative

Does your brand tell a connected story? Is your brand voice strong, decisive, and recognizable?

Brand Content

Across your website, blog, and socials, are you missing content types? Do you have duplicate or missing content? Do you have established marketing funnels and lead-nurturing strategies? What opportunities exist?

Brand SEO

How do you rank for important, popular, and long-tail keyword terms?

Brand Culture

How well do you communicate your brokerage's values, mission, and expertise? Are potential clients AND other agents excited to work with you?

Branded Social Media

What does your social media landscape look like for the past 1, 3, and 6 months? What will it look like in the next 1, 3, and 6 months? Do you have a cohesive strategy?

If you don't yet have all of these elements defined, don't worry..

That’s what the audit is for! By the end, you’ll have a better picture of what you’re doing well, what to improve in the short-term, and what to tackle during the medium- to long-term. 

You’ll have the brand roadmap to help your brokerage team make greater impact, resonate with your audience, and carve out a niche in your market.

Don't miss out on this exclusive offer for brokers and their teams, get your brand audit for $249 – that’s over 50% off!