Michelle Rhyne


Michelle Rhyne



Project Brief

Your Key to Lake Norman & Charlotte Region

Michelle Rhyne is an established Sotheby’s Realtor based in North Carolina, specializing in the Charlotte and Lake Norman region. She sought out Peak’s Brand Development services to create a strong personal brand identity through elevated visuals and creative narrative designed to resonate with both buyers and sellers in her market.

Peak developed Michelle’s Core Values, Mission Statement, Vision, Elevator Pitch and Brand Story in addition to creating a sophisticated visual identity that was aligned with Sotheby’s color palette, yet offered distinction for her personal brand.

Scope of Work

real estate agent brand book
MR Logo

Client Deliverables

The Michelle Rhyne personal brand values Trust, Integrity, Going Above & Beyond and leveraging Local Expertise. Peak interwoven her personal Brand Values into each deliverable to create a consistent look, messaging and strategy.

Client Deliverables included: